Here at iC with Prof. John Glynn and Asslam Umar Ali regarding getting the best out of blogging.
Category Archives: Mobile and multi-location
“Xbox is My Generation’s Golf” – The future of Gaming?
Latitude 42 conducted some research into the future of gamers and gaming. There was definitely some interesting findings, including the move away from ‘computer-centric games to games in which the users environment becomes the game board and this notion of ‘life games’. 75% of respondents would like to see games applied to Learning and Education.
The Future of Gaming: a Portrait of the New Gamers from latddotcom on Vimeo.
For more information on this study check out Latitude’s brief report or website.
Fancy teaching 1000 students statistics?
Check out how this lecturer at QUT is using ‘virtual classroom’ technology to supplement her on-campus classes.
IdeaPaint in teaching space at VicUni
Dave Cummings at Victoria University is blogging about his Teaching Space project. They’ve just finished doing the walls and floor in IdeaPaint. They have to wait til friday for it to dry/cure before then can use it. But then…. it’ll be cool. Here’s a YouTube about IdeaPaint:
Dr Bruce Chaloux delivers Keynote via Skype for ACODE55
Your blog after imporing a bunch of posts
Here’s part 2 in a video lesson on how to export and import posts. (For part one, scroll down to the previous post.) This video starts with the list of the imported posts, then shows the new blog and how to tidy up your new blog. Shows some features of the new UOW templates as part of this.
How to export your blog posts
Includes logging in to the Dashboard, and navigating the options there. Also starts the import process of getting posts into another blog.
New blogging service: progress
Things are progressing well in the UOW blogosphere.
We have agreement from UniAdvice regarding the final touches to our official UOW blog templates, and the templates themselves in all their natty graphic design glory are in the process of being chopped up, coded, tested and put into our template library for all to use.
We have developed a new online workflow (ie web-form!) for you to request a blog, and have been trialling that aspect, and tweaking with user feedback.
We have some great sample blogs from new international students to share with you soon – some great stories from some interesting member of the campus community.
We’re upgrading and updating our “blog service homepage” and will put links to sample blogs there soon. We’ve also successfully got the LDAP integration working so UOW staff and students don’t have to remember another username and password, and finally… we got our new URL implemented to make things look better in your marketing materials about your blog.
You can tell your users to go to and they will find you there.
Google Offers New eBook service
With Google trend for bring things together in just once accessible online space for users, it has now ventured out to the land of ebooks. Now, to see how well my iPhone handles it 🙂
Android app for wordpress
Here is a sweet little andtoid app to blog from your mobile, check out wordpress from the market 🙂 w