Working like Madonna

I’m getting used to the new software that lets me call people and answer the phone via the computer. Means you spend more time with the headset/mic on (feeling like Madonna or I guess your pick of pop stars). But the plus is your hands are free to do other things, like open up emails or websites or info/docs that pertain to your conversation. No neck crick re holding phone to ear. I like it!

Also the search and dial function is heaps easier and faster than logging on to intranet and searching for people’s phone extensions there.

And I like having the webcam so I can see the person at the other end. If they have theirs turned on, that is.

iPhone Apps for Researchers

‘iPhone apps for researchers’ Found through CoolThings@UOW.

Personally I use Evernote (both iPhone app and web version) not only to keep track of my of class notes but also the completely random things I find (eg recipes a friends show me, random newspaper articles and reminders to look things up). I also quite like the feature of integrating with Twitter, where Tweets can be saved (Ah simple short note reminders). Best of all it’s free!

Microsoft Surface

Microsoft has been working on some great new technology that as you can see from the YouTube clip has the potential for easily sharing media between mobile devices.

This is not the only application for the Microsoft Surface. I have seen videos where the surface has been effectively used for things like presentations, ordering off a menu at a restaurant and Role Playing Games.

Some great innovators are changing our Restaurant experience

Check out this great post written by Nichol Nelson at SlashFood.
In Today’s restaurants, Technology is on the menu

Nichol tells of of how developments in technology are changing the restaurant experience. These developments help make our dining experiences faster, friendlier and more efficient.
So when do you think I should install my very own radio-controlled sushi train at home?