Concepts map links within a blog post.

Collaboratively or individually produced concept maps included as a link within a blog post… If this sounds interesting read on for a free solution.

This is a link to a test map

It was created online at…

A link was generated within the online tool that was then added to this post.

– It can be a private mind map or collaboratively authored.

– It can also be exported as an image (.jpg or.png).

– It is free – A map image can be exported without creating an account but to save, share etc a – free – account needs to be created.

If students were using a blog to discuss/respond/reflect they could produce the mind map and then create a post with a link to the mind map image as I have done here.

Similarly it is another option for collaborative brainstorming activities between researchers, co-authors etc.

It’s worth a look 🙂

Dropbox – a cloud with a difference

Synchronisation of files across multiple computers & mobile devices, web-based access to files, managed sharing of folders with other dropbox users, url creation for public documents for emailing links, web-album generation, event history tracking of your dropbox (file restoration) etc …

Well worth a look and a boon when travelling and you need access to storage or sharing items with international contacts.

Hosted externally, which brings along its own considerations, but this type of thing would have great potential for groups of students working collaboratively on a group assignment, sharing progress between themselves and tutor etc…

Currently free for up to 2GB of storage, plans beyond that.
