At the moment I don’t have a dock for my iPhone, while it is not essential that I have one, I still want one! I have come across some really geeky ones, sleek ones and multifunctional ones.
I just found this one and had to share it.
This one was made entirely from cutlery which is pretty cool, I found it here.
Last year we tried this one in the office, which was not only a holder but a more functional dock charger, speaker and light. Never again.
The product was faulty, we end up sending it back. When they tested similar models and other units they also found them to be faulty. The speakers buzzed at all volumes of sound and there was some red goo inside the light bulb bracket. Suggestion – try it out before you leave the shop!
So for all the iPhone users which docks do you use? Or what ones have you seen that work well?
I want the one with the fork! I also want a good one for the car… suggestions anyone?