By Associate Professor Rodney Clarke
One of the problems of using social media during emergencies is being able to assess the various kinds of information that can be in them. Continue reading
By Associate Professor Rodney Clarke
One of the problems of using social media during emergencies is being able to assess the various kinds of information that can be in them. Continue reading
By Associate Professor Rodney Clarke
Social media platforms are proliferating globally both in terms of the number of platforms and also the intensity of their use. Some countries use Twitter as a valid source of emergency information and incorporate it as one of the primary sources of emergency intelligence. Continue reading
Jakarta: Architecture + Adaptation
edited by Dr. Etienne Turpin, Vice-Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow, SMART Infrastructure Facility
Adam Bobbette, and Meredith Miller.
[Bilingual edition in English and Bahasa Indonesian]
(Depok: Universitas Indonesia Press, November 2013) Continue reading
Leading urban studies academic, Professor AbdouMaliq Simone from the University of South Australia, visited UOW on Monday, 4 November, as part of the SMART Seminar Series.
Professor Simone has developed one of the most robust and influential theories of “cityness” through recent publications, such as City Life from Jakarta to Dakar: Movements at a Crossroads.
This event coincided with the release of Jakarta: Architecture + Adaptation, which was co-edited by Dr Etienne Turpin.