Assessing the vulnerability of hydrological infrastructure to flood damage in coastal cities

Robert OgieBy Robert Ogie

Hydrological infrastructure such as pumps, floodgates (or sluice gates), dams, embankments, and other flood barriers are invaluable assets used in coastal cities for mitigating flooding. These infrastructure components are often vulnerable to damage or failure due to the impact of floodwaters, thus exacerbating the flood hazards and causing significant loss of life and destruction to property worth billions of dollars. Continue reading

SMART as an eResearch toolmaker: Fuelling the knowledge economy

profile-tim-1strndxBy Tim Davies

Armed with a poster I recently attended the 2015 eResearch conference in sunny Brisbane. The eResearch conference usually brings together the best and brightest eResearchers from across the globe and this year was no exception. The theme of the conference was ‘Fuelling the Knowledge Economy’ the fuel in this case was the stimulating discussions and presentations centring around new information-centric research capabilities. SMART joined in on these discussions with a captivating poster that illustrated many of the eResearch capabilities that the SMART infrastructure Facility has to offer. Continue reading

Crowd-sourcing Twitter data as a solution to emergency response to flooding in Jakarta

15785336539_294f5ee35d_oBy Dr Tomas Holderness & Dr Etienne Turpin

The early June release of the White Paper marked the end of the first phase of the ground breaking research program. Continue reading

Governments Challenged to ‘Go Back to Basics’ on Infrastructure Planning

SMART has prepared a Green Paper entitled “Infrastructure Imperatives for Australia”. The paper sets out aims a way forward for planning, provision and investment in the future infrastructure needs of Australia and addresses a number of key principles that successive governments have overlooked.

This Green Paper and the associated recommendations endeavour to capture the challenges and opportunities identified to ensure a better infrastructure future for our country. Continue reading

Architecture in the Anthropocene

Architecture in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Design, Deep Time, Science and Philosophy
edited by Dr. Etienne Turpin, Vice-Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow, SMART Infrastructure Facility  
(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Publishing/Open Humanities Press, December 2013) Continue reading

Jakarta: Architecture + Adaptation

Jakarta: Architecture + Adaptation 
edited by Dr. Etienne Turpin, Vice-Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow, SMART Infrastructure Facility
Adam Bobbette, and Meredith Miller.
[Bilingual edition in English and Bahasa Indonesian]
(Depok: Universitas Indonesia Press, November 2013) Continue reading