Animaladies II Conference
Date: December 13-14, 2018.
Location: University of Wollongong, Wollongong Campus
Invited Speakers: Nekeisha Alexis, Lori Gruen, Elan Abrell, pattrice jones.
Call for Papers
“Defined broadly, animaladies are sites of tension produced by acknowledging how our relationships with other animals are damaged. These relationships are damaged in a variety of ways, both by common attitudes of human superiority and by the violent and disturbing implications of these attitudes. Naming these damaged relationships as animaladies helps us to see how we might reframe both our attitudes and their consequences within various social contexts.” Lori Gruen and Fiona Probyn-Rapsey, “Distillations” from forthcoming Animaladies, Bloomsbury, 2018.
Animaladies is a term inspired by feminist animal studies – work that is attentive to the role that gender, race, class and ability play in shaping a cultural politics of distraction and protest, which includes the scapegoating, shaming, and hystericising of animal advocates.
Animaladies II will explore how various mechanisms (be they cultural practices, institutions, industries, policies) distract us from acknowledging the damaged relations between humans and animals. We are interested in papers that identify or propose methods and strategies for revealing, disrupting and tackling entrenched animaladies – with a view to transforming relations between animals and humans.
Papers which address the following themes are welcome:
- Cultural politics of protest
- Actions and distraction
- Sanctuaries and sanctum
- Utopia and dystopia
We will have two types of papers (indicate when submitting which you prefer):
- 20 min presentations (with 10 minutes question time)
- Slam sessions (5 min talk only).
Please submit a 300-word abstract + bio (up to 200 words) to by Monday 30th April. Make sure to indicate whether you wish to be considered for a 20 minute presentation, or to present in a slam session.
Fully employed: $60 per day — ($100 for 2 days)
Postgraduate/Underemployed — $30 per day ($50 for 2 days)
Hosted by the Animal Studies Research Network (ASRN)
Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts

Animaladies II Organising Committee: Standing: Esther Alloun, Fiona Probyn-Rapsey Seated: Alison Moore, Melissa Boyde, Denise Russell