IVF: The Global Experience is an Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP150101081) led by Sarah Ferber, Vera Mackie and Nicola J. Marks. The 40th anniversary of the birth of the first babies conceived through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) took place in 2018. The year 2020 saw the anniversary of the first baby born after conception through IVF in Australia. This project has produced a history of IVF and the range of assisted reproductive technologies with which it is associated. These new forms of conception, gestation and parenting have transformed understandings of the family and have led to regulatory and policy responses and public debate which can only be understood in a global frame. A series of transnational case studies, with a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region, show the development of the present consumer, medical and regulatory environments and provide a historically-informed basis for dealing with policy deliberations locally and internationally.